Shore Line's lease of the New London, Norwich, and Putnam lines of Conn Company started effective May 1 1913, and was abrogated in early 1920 after SLER went down the tubes financially. SLER purchased 201-210 from Wason in 1915, and the cars kept those numbers when back under Conn Co control (New London Division didnt renumber passenger cars like the rest of the Conn Company,
being that they were under SLER in 1915, but most of the work cars were renumbered in sequence into the 0001-0399 group of work cars after 1920).
The Norwich - South Coventry line was cut back to Willimantic on November 21 1926, but then the Norwich - Willimantic line operated until December 1 1936, with no cutback to Baltic during that time.
Here is the 204 passing the 205 south of Taftville, a short turn point. The car coming towards tha camera is destined for Baltic, the end of the line in 1935 when the photo was taken.
Courtesy the Bill Volkmer collection