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Los Angeles Railways (LARys) / Los Angeles Transit Lines (LATL)
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority (LAMTA)
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1257 on the V line at Santa Barbara and Vermont. This photo documents an interesting operation.

These cars are parked on a third track on Santa Barbara Ave, just west of Vermont St, and parallel to the regular tracks, whose wires can be seen to the right of the car. The third track was used for storage of cars which were being readied for transporting people from the Los Angeles Coliseum at the close of some sporting event held therein. The cars are all parked on the 5 line, just west of Vermont Ave. The 1257 will become a V car postgame, but each of those cars in the background might assume a different route name and direction. The 1257 will head north on Vermont from Santa Barbara, because there is no curve to the south on Vermont from the eastward track. At one time, this was all private right-of-way for LARy. Times were slower then, but the cars were faster.
Caption comment by Ken Harrison; photo courtesy the Joe Testagrose collection


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