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Los Angeles
Los Angeles Railways (LARys) / Los Angeles Transit Lines (LATL)
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority (LAMTA)
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1327 on the H line at 1st St and Vermont on June 11 1947. This photo is looking east. The curved track in the background has come off Bimini Place.

About two blocks to the right of this photo, on Bimini Place, was the famed Bimini Baths, a natatorium of fame amongst those of us who actually were familiar with the history of Los Angeles. The car is actually on private right-of-way, even though the track area is paved. 1st St is to the left of the buildings on the left of the photograph. After the H line was abandoned on August 3 1947, LATL incorporated this trackage into a new short turn loop off the V line (which this car is facing) They built a turnout and curve from Vermont onto 1st behind the buildings on the left, and thence behind them and connecting, from the photographs left, with the tracks visible in the foreground. Virgil Junior High is across 1st St.
Caption comment from Ken Harrison; Bob McVay photo courtesy the Joe Testagrose collection


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