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Los Angeles Railways (LARys) / Los Angeles Transit Lines (LATL)
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority (LAMTA)
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1529 on the O line on June 27 1947.

The O line was one of those losses in August of 1947. Those white roofs didnt last long, either. LATL used carbon insert trolley shoes, and the carbon droppings soon made a mess of the white roof. When tracking abandonments in Los Angeles, it is important, but difficult, to keep track on those portions of abandoned lines that themselves were not abandoned. For instance, 8th St. from Vermont to Western was originally a part of the N line, but it became a part of the S line, and another western portion of the S line was abandoned. Similarly, the Manchester and Central end was originally a part of the U line, but became the southeastern part of the S line. The F line took over portions of the U when the Hoover St trackage was abandoned. Kept us railfans very busy....
Caption comment from Ken Harrison; Bob McVay photo courtesy the Joe Testagrose collection


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