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Montreal QC    Photo bcer179
Montreal Tramways Company | Montreal Transportation Commission
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The unique articulated three truck 2501 is at the Côté St. Paul carhouse. This appears to be a later photo of the car because the trolley pole is now on the first unit. When it was on the rear unit, it wouldn't actuate certain powered track switches properly with the front truck already having passed the switch before it actuated. 2501 and its sister car 2500 were built by Canadian Car & Foundry in 1928. Although tested on the busy St Catherine route, they mostly spent their lives on the Wellington route as rush hour cars. Montrealers had to get used to a unique fare payment system on only these cars. You entered at the front door (which is why the cars were painted in traditional one-man or enter front colors), then passed into the car, paid the conductor near the rear door of the first unit, after which you could exit or move to the rear unit. The confusing fare payment system and being the only two of their class contributed to their lack of success.
Courtesy the Bill Volkmer collection; caption data from Joe Heckenast

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