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Philadelphia and Western
Strafford Cars
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A 100-series car speeding by Beechwood-Brookline station.

These cars were originally numbered 60-70, and were built in three series in 1924, 1927 and 1929. In the original configuration, they had center vestibules and smoking compartments, were two-man cars and had three doors per side, with one offset from the center to separate the smoking and non-smoking sections. Top speed, as delivered, only was 44 mph.

In 1931, before the "Bullet" cars arrived on PandW property, the 60-70 series was modernized for one-man operation and received motors and gearing that allowed top speed of up to 70 mph. Traction historian Ronald DeGraw says some of these cars did not receive the speed upgrade until as late as 1946. By 1972, nine of the original 11 cars still were used in rush hour service. The term "Strafford" cars results from their usual assignment to the Strafford Branch, which Philadelphia Suburban Transportation abandoned after the last train in the early morning hours of March 23 1956. After modernization, the cars were renumbered 160-170
Photo courtesy the Ed Havens collection


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