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Philadelphia and Western
Strafford Cars
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A 100-series car at the Strafford Station, the original western terminal of the original 10.6 mile main line, opened May 22, 1907.

According to traction historian Ronald DeGraw, the first car had only one passenger when it left 69th St Terminal but was packed full by the time it reached Strafford with people who wanted to see "the brave new railroad that would do battle with the Pennsy."

In the photo, the Pennsylvania Railroad's Victorian style Strafford station is in the rear behind the Brill car. The Norristown branch did not open until August 26 1912, and ultimately became the most heavily patronized corridor of PandW.

Philadelphia Suburban Transportation Co. ran the last Strafford train in the early morning of March 23, 1956. It was replaced by the Red Arrow's Route Y bus which took twice as long to travel from 69th St. to Strafford. Such was progress!
Caption data from Al Achtret; photo courtesy the Ed Havens collection


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