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Los Angeles Railways (LARys) / Los Angeles Transit Lines (LATL)
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority (LAMTA)
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69 on the D line at 5th St and Figueroa on May 31 1947. Heres a bit of LA trivia (not that most of LA doesn't already center around trivia). In the middle of the street, just past the center doors of the car, is the common standard (?) NO LEFT TURN sign that was a rush hour fixture. Along about 3:30 or so, city workers would fan out through the city and rolled the signs into the middle of the street from one of the street corners. Several hours later, they reversed the process. The signs were white metal with red lettering, with the base a steel bowl filled with concrete. Base and stand were painted silver. These were damned heavy signs. I know, as I once tried to unsuccessfully liberate one from certain destruction.
Caption comment from Ken Harrison; Bob McVay photo courtesy the Joe Testagrose collection


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