Old Pueblo Trolley
Japan #869 in the lean-to barn at Old Pueblo Trolley in Tucson, Arizona.  This car operates every weekend on OPT's line through the streets of Tucson. #869 was built in 1953 by Aichi-Fuji for Kyoto City Lines.  After a few years it was renumbered #1869.  In 1972 streetcar service in Kyoto ceased and #1869 was sold to the Hankai Electric Tramway operating out of Osaka.  The car was renumbered Hankai #255 and operated there until 1992, when it was retired and sold to Old Pueblo Trolley.  It was restored in 1994 and 1995 and replaced Birney car #10, which was returned to owner Orange EmpireRailway Museum, as OPT's main operating car.
Photo and Caption by Frank Hicks.
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