Lew Shapiro's Indiana
The location is the bridge across the Missisenewa River looking west.  After crossing the river, the cars turned right into Matter Park, owned by Marion Railways.  The Birney car displays the Marion College destination sign, which was on the south side of Marion.  When I was a small child growning up in Marion during WWII. We would ride the birneys out to Matter Park and crossing the bridge used to scare me to death, as it would shake and rattle as the car crossed it.  I spent lots of time riding on Birneys around Marion during WWII, up until 1947 when the line was scapped.  By 1947, the right-of-way was in terrible condition.  I still have fond memories of Marion Railways, plus Marion was a great railroad town in steam days.
Caption data from Larry Fuller
Paul Ward collection
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