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Los Angeles Railways (LARys) / Los Angeles Transit Lines (LATL)
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1411 on the 3 line at the Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal loop in 1946. The 3 line didnt go to (what the dash signs called) Union Station (actually the Los Angeles Union Passenger Depot).

They ran out East 5th St and Central to Wilde (which amounted to being proximate to the old Central Station of the Southern Pacific). Not only is there no dash sign, but there is no run number hanging up there next to the Enter Front wording. This car is most likely not in service, but is out for training. Look carefully under the other car, straight below the 1211. You will see a coupler (of sorts). At one time, H class cars were multiple unit and ran in two car trains. MU control passed through a jumper between the cars at letterboard level. The cars had low voltage control multiple unit control systems. The fenders could, when folded against the end of the car, be raised above the buffers so as to clear these primitive couplers. Multiple unit service did not last long, and in the era of one-man cars there would have been no savings in labor costs anyway, since one could not pass between cars.
Caption comment from Ken Harrison; Bob McVay photo courtesy the Joe Testagrose collection


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